Info company
Info company
Dati societari
Business Name:
SDM Antincendio Srl
Registered office:
Genova (Ge)
via Sestri 19/3
Company Information:
VAT Nr: 02290320999
Registration No.:
02290320999 del Registro delle Imprese di Genova
Data di iscrizione: 03/12/2014
Iscritta nella sezione Ordinaria il 03/12/2014
Iscritta con il numero Repertorio Economico Amministrativo GE - 475236
Share capital:
Euro 50.000,00
Corporate designation:
Società a Responsabilità Limitata
System of amministration:
Amministratore unico (in carica)
Online new equipments
On the new release of the data sheets, updated to 25.01.2017, you can find four new products, recently introduced in the line of SDM equipment... >>>
New version of the URD in-line mixer with variable capacity
SDM has recently developed a new version of the URD in-line mixer with variable capacity, which is now entirely made of stainless steel AISI 304 or 316L... >>>
The new SDM Antincendio website is now online
The new SDM Antincendio website is now online, a multi-platform interactive tool ... >>>